Museum of fine arts houston okeeffe lithograph
Museum of fine arts houston okeeffe lithograph

“I had made two or three snaps of it with a camera,” she wrote in her 1976 autobiography. Even the road visible from her window was transformed. At least in some instances, her awkwardness with the device provided her with new insights into the familiar. That said, the camera was not only a mechanical paintbrush for O’Keeffe. Her best photographs, which are excellent, are really paintings in a different medium. For the most part, she wielded the camera as a framing device for paintings she might make (which often were alternative versions of canvases she’d already painted).

museum of fine arts houston okeeffe lithograph museum of fine arts houston okeeffe lithograph

To call O’Keeffe an amateur is not to disparage her, but rather to point out that we are looking at work that is unsophisticated in photographic terms.

Museum of fine arts houston okeeffe lithograph